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每年10月, just before the pigskin and parade hoopla of 首页coming weekend kicks into high gear, pp电子极速糖果的教员, alumni and former athletes receive their due as the ‘best-of-the-best.’

一位杰出的教员, two Distinguished 校友 and two Hall of Honor athletic inductees are honored at the Victory Dinner. They take their place in the pantheon of dozens of other stand-out professors, 往届的学生和运动员. They are recognized for the exceptional things they have done in the fields of scholastics, 业务, 体育运动, 人道主义援助和社区服务. These honors don’t end with engraved plaques and photos on the walls of hallways.

这些荣誉以奖学金的形式发放. Distinguished 校友 donate to an annual scholarship that goes to a student chosen by the Distinguished 教师 each year. 那笔奖学金的数额是象征性的——1925美元. 那一年,CMU成立为一所大专院校. The scholarship rewards deserving students and may be expanded in coming years.

The three awards give the university a chance to highlight exceptional graduates as well as put a spotlight on stand-out faculty members who have helped propel students to noteworthy accomplishments.


As a collegiate softball player, 珍妮(韦斯特)Studer was known for swinging the bat hard and often. 这意味着四年后, she was simultaneously 5th on the CMU all-time home run list with 40 career homers and 5th on the all-time list for the most strike outs.

Ask Studer about these two records and she mentions that she’s competitive.

“我喜欢赢,”她分享道. “我一直都很努力,很有进取心.”

CMU心理学专业的学生, Studer earned her teacher’s license at Metro State University after graduation. She began her teaching career in Mesa County before moving to the Front Range of Colorado. 她教过三年级、四年级和五年级.

Two years ago, a parent of one of her students lured her from teaching to sales.

“He came to me because he thought that with my knowledge of teaching, my work ethic and my discipline I would be good at selling curriculum to school districts,斯图特说.

销售竞争激烈, 这对斯图特很有吸引力, 或者用她的话说, “我喜欢教书,真的很难离开. But with this job I’m still in education, I know I’m still helping students and I get to win!”

反思她的大学经历, Studer believes the support of her professors and coaches made her a well-rounded person. She credits the rigors of being a student-athlete with making her disciplined and she appreciates the lasting friendships she built with teammates.

While Studer only occasionally plays softball now, she’s a hiker, skier and runner. 她和她的丈夫托尼也喜欢尾流冲浪. 尽管如此,垒球仍然影响着斯图特的生活.

“我努力工作,无论做什么事都全力以赴,她解释道, 抓住一个恰当的比喻. “我的生活不是等待投球.”

Profession: Sales representative at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
最难忘的书: 的金翅雀 唐娜·塔特
- 1 of 12 players named to the 2009 RMAC All-Century Team at 1st base              
- 2002年度最佳球员
——《pp电子极速糖果》st 基地,2001年,2002年      
- 1st 四年全联盟最佳阵容
- 2001年、2002年全地区
- All-RMAC, 2001,2002,2003          
-保持着RMAC球队命中率的记录 .654
- 5th 在CMU的职业生涯全垒打总数中有40个
- A member of the 2002 softball team that holds the record for the most wins in CMU history
- 2011年被评为学校年度最佳教师
- Ran and finished a half marathon in 1 hour and 42 minutes in Steamboat Springs, Colorado


基于他的运动成就, 鲍比含糊其辞 is clearly among the top athletes to have played football at CMU.

毕业11年后, 科伊的单赛季冲球纪录是1次,600码,他的历史冲码记录是4,161码(与迈克·沃恩并列, ’90), 仍然站.

Remarkably, Coy set these records in just three years of play.

在某种程度上, Coy chose CMU football over other programs because he knew he’d “get in right away” after sitting out a year as a redshirt freshman. But for Coy, attending CMU was always about more than football.

“踢足球是一份全职工作, 但学术比其他一切都重要,他解释道.

所以科伊四年就毕业了, rather than playing an additional season — a season in which he would have certainly extended his all-time rushing record significantly.

Coy credits his success at CMU and in his post-college life to his work ethic. “在CMU,我不会让任何人超过我. 我还是不会让任何人超过我. 功夫不负有心人.”

担任石材运输总经理, 密歇根州的一家卡车运输公司, Coy’s hard work has grown the company from 175 to an anticipated 275 drivers by the end of 2019.

Coy met his wife Sarah during college and together they have two children, Harper and Cooper. 在他的众多成就中, Coy places his family at the top of the list and is enthusiastic about spending time coaching his children’s sports teams.

“One of the lessons I learned at CMU was time management,” he said. “I learned to plan my day and plan my time to squeeze the most out of it. As my kids grow, I want to dive into their activities as much as I possibly can.”


最难忘的书: 《杀死一只知更鸟 哈珀·李
最喜欢的度假地点:安娜玛丽岛, Florida “We’ve been coming here since moving to Michigan and we’ve made a lot of great family memories.”
爱好:户外运动, 尤其是钓鱼和教孩子打垒球, 篮球和t球
最喜欢的CMU教授:商学院教授Tim Hatten博士
- Harlon Hill Trophy Semifinalist (Division II Heisman Trophy)
- All-American designation from Daktronics, Football Gazette and D2Football
- National Football Foundation Colorado Offensive Player of the Year
- Husband to Sarah, ’09, and father to Harper, 8, and Cooper, 4

这些获奖者都展示了他们的运动才能, but have also distinguished themselves by community involvement. 学业成功也是一个因素, 并可能成为决定的关键因素, 联合体育主管克里斯·莫特说. Student-athlete honorees are not eligible for the award until a decade after leaving CMU. 教练在6年后才有资格. 整个团队也可以获得荣誉. Coaches, family members, former teammates and team physicians often submit the nominations. 由运动员组成的委员会, boosters and community leaders then selects Hall of Honor inductees.


克里斯汀·拉姆斯(Kristen Lummis)撰写